Friday, May 29, 2009


For part of our fitness regime at the beach today, a few of us checked out a nearby health studio called BALANCE ( to attend a seventy-five minute YOGA class. Now this was interesting for me as a newbie, because I am known (especially by these girls who knew me as a high school cheerleader!) for my lack of coordination. :~)

If you go to THE BALANCE HEALTH STUDIO website you will read the following:

Developed in India, yoga is a physical discipline with roots going back about 5,000 years. Today, this unbroken tradition can be found all over the world. Most yoga practices in the West focus on the physical postures called "asanas", breathing exercises called "pranayama" and meditation.
However, there's more to it than that, and the deeper you go, the richer and more diverse the tradition becomes.
At BALANCE we believe in movement because we understand that movement is LIFE!
With regular practice, yoga can create flexibility, build strength and develop stamina.

This class was led by Melissa and she did a marvelous job helping me, and a few others in the class that were new at this, to feel comfortable. Two of my FFs were there with me and they, as accomplished yogis, were also very encouraging. We also had a 20 year old niece with us who has told us that this group of 50 something friends has "inspired her" to work out more! And yes, the rest of the group took their morning walk or run for today's fitness...
I found this experience to be inspiring, cleansing and therapeutic for both my body and my mind. When I return to Georgia, I plan to attend a local class and maybe even pick up a yoga DVD to use at home.
How about you? Have you tried this for fitness and well-being? Why not try something today that is new and inspiring, like yoga?


  1. I've thought about it for improving my balance. My mare tells me I need it!

  2. Wow Joan, I've been doing Yoga, on and off for 20 years. It is a fabulous way to stay in shape, is great for well being, and relieves stress. So glad you liked it.
